Yup, that’s a lot of “Ms” in the title of this post, but that’s pretty much what the 2017 Melting Man Gravel Road Challenge was. WSI Cycling had a good contingent of riders present to enjoy the slop, but fun was had by all. As you can see by some of the pictures, staying clean was not an option for the day. Continue reading “Melting Man’s Muddy March Mayhem”
The Battle of Waterloo… the 50k Version
While several WSI Cycling team members were getting ready to the west side of the state for the Melting Man, first-year team member Laura Stuchell got an early start on on the weekend of racing and headed east for some gravel road fun. This was the second year for the Waterloo Grit and Gravel 50k road race, staging and starting from the Waterloo State Park near Jackson. It’s a 50k and 100k race on about 90% gravel. The first 12 miles are very hilly with rollers thereafter. It’s very well run (Epic Races) and the number of participants increased from its inception last year. Continue reading “The Battle of Waterloo… the 50k Version”
Swapping the Cycling Shoes for Running Shoes
Winterblast Half Marathon (Portage, Michigan) 2/26/17 The 5th annual Winterblast half marathon started off warmer than many of the previous races had. The sun helped tame the 18 degree feel-like temperatures a bit. Approximately 800 runners participated in the 5k, 10k and half marathon races this year. This was my 5th year running the half marathon. It’s a great event because it’s close to home and you see many familiar and friendly faces throughout the day. Continue reading “Swapping the Cycling Shoes for Running Shoes”
Eric’s 2017 Fat Fest Race Report
Held at the Binder Park Golf Course in Battle Creek, MI, the 2017 Fat Fest Relays was the first race for me of the season. While I’d been on the fat bike several times over the winter enjoying an entirely new type of riding, this would be the maiden “race voyage” for me. I was excited that teammates Dwight Denisiuk and Katie Bridges also decided to get out and race, so WSI Cycling had a good showing for the day. Continue reading “Eric’s 2017 Fat Fest Race Report”
Ringing in the New Year… Fatbike Style

I don’t know about you, but this time of year I’d like to thank the genius that decided to put 4″+ tires on a mountain bike that allow cyclists to ride through the winter months. As the snow piles up, my workouts this time of year typically involve either a trainer and Spinerval videos in the basement or possibly the XC skis if I wanted to get in the woods. But 2017 is off to a very different start thanks to the folks at Snow Snake Ski & Golf in Harison, MI. They’ve created almost 6 miles of super-fun trails for fatbikes and spent both the 1st and 2nd on my Salsa Beargrease with good friends from Alma (my old college stomping grounds).
One of the best parts about the trail is that it’s only a 30-minute drive from our cottage at Houghton Lake, so getting down there for a ride is an easy trip (just about the amount of time it takes me to get to the trails at Fort Custer in Battle Creek from our home. On my third visit, I decided to pay up for a season pass and look forward to several more rides on the trail this season. Best 40 bucks I’ve spent in a while.

While it’s a pretty long video, I managed to capture all three loops (twice) on my GoPro yesterday and likely will substitute it for a Spinerval video in the basement at some point this season. And, unlike my January 1st ride, I managed to keep the wheels down and didn’t crash this time!
Enjoy the video below and hopefully it will inspire you to get out for a ride. Or, at the very least, it should give you something different to watch while you’re on the trainer this season. If you’re looking for a good excuse to ride with a bunch of other fatbike riders, be sure to come on out to Fat Fest Relays on February 25th in Battle Creek at Binder Park Golf Course. I’ll be there with my fattie and hope to see you on the snow!
Disclaimer: Enjoy the cheezy music on the video. Figure it was better than listening to me heavy breathing for an hour and twelve minutes. 😉