On September 30th, Xterra returned to Fort Custer, I had enjoyed this race in the past and had to do it. The swim course was two 400-meter laps in Eagle Lake with a short beach run between them. Apparently, this is how Xterra Worlds does their swim. It was neat to get out of the water, see where you were in the field, and jump back in for another lap. The warm weather we had earlier warmed the lake up enough to make the swim enjoyable but still wetsuit legal.
The bike course was a combination of the Green and Red trail. My main goal was to not crash, I had a few close calls but was able to stay upright. Passing is difficult on single track trails so a good swim can help you on the bike a lot more here than road triathlons. Something I hope to remember for next year.
The run course used the three miles of the Green trail a technical trail run. I have been struggling with my run off the bike this year but it felt good today. I will be looking forward to this race next year and I hope they keep the fall date.
Michigan Mountain Mayhem Gravel Grinder’s 3rd year was warm with a light rain most of the race, making it slippery and challenging with some very long hills! But what a great race and very well organized with a great meal at the post party. I’ll definitely plan on doing this race next year. I was 4th in the fat tire race.
From left to right, top row: Josh Haas, Danny Wolin, Neil Jenney, Holly McKee, Charles Elder, Brandon VanOosten Front row: Maggie Wood, Nikki Elder
On Saturday, July 29, WSI had a great presence at the Cereal City Triathlon in Battle Creek. In it’s 5th year, this event is on home territory. The WSI team took it head on with several podium finishes with overall male, Brandon V, and overall female, Maggie W.
~Dan W~
This was the second time I have done this event and as usual, the Cereal City Athletics folks had it dialed in. I did the sprint duathlon again which was a 3K and 5K run with a 20K bike. With all of these races, I really work hard to have a clean race I can be happy with. Were my transitions clean, were my run times good and was my ride comfortable and fast:). I was aiming for a sub 1 hour event but due to a slightly slower bike I was over the hour mark. Overall, I was very happy with the win and my teammate Josh got second which was awesome. CCA really does a nice job with their events – great volunteers and a very nice post race set up including some very unique awards.
Being behind the scenes since 4:30 am for the event didn’t seem to take its toll until after I finished and sat down. I enjoyed every second of the event despite the prerace jitters when I heard women were stating first (I have a HUGE past with water, panic attacks and not being able to handle people swimming around me). However, I am happy to report the swim went incredibly smooth and was actually the first triathlon swim where I was able to keep my head in the game and not have to rely on any alternative strokes despite being trampled by the faster male swimmers. Coming out of the water, I was ecstatic heading to T1 and hopping on the bike. I put out a solid ride. I was determined to not let Charles pass me. I caught a glimpse of him near the turn around at the out and back course and couldn’t quite hold him off. Mind you, in any real race situation I would NEVER stand a chance, but his aero-bar fatty isn’t quite his usual race bike. Despite catching me, he couldn’t pull away and we went in to T2 neck-in-neck. The run is always the part where the struggle bus hits. It is currently my weakest of the 3. I held consistent (not fast, but consistent) with a finish time several minutes better than last year. I placed #1 in Athena by technicality (I was THE only woman registered as Athena). I credit my great race and the amazing atmosphere to the over 70 people that joined Cereal City Athletics in triathlon training groups this season.
I am not in a race mindset currently but couldn’t pass up participating on the Cereal City Triathlon. I decided to have a little fun with this event and ride my Trek Farley. I even decked it out with aerobars. I got a lot of laughs, comments and questions about that one, for sure! My morning started at 4:30 am with event set up and my day wasn’t over when I crossed the finish line. Along the course I passed several people who were determined to NOT let me pass them and consequently had a few choice words for me….all in good spirit though. I chased Nikki down, caught her shortly after the turn around, drafted off of her for a bit and pulled ahead, but not by much. I could not shake her after pushing so hard on the fatty for the first half of the ride. My run was solid. I did not expect a podium finish and I did not get one. This season I had helped coach a group in the Cereal City Triathlon training program and it was great seeing all of those athletes on the course setting new PRs and some of them completing their first triathlon. It is a great community to be a part of!
The Cereal City Duathlon was my first multi-sport race after a knee injury derailed my race season last year. I’m still rebuilding my base and getting my speed back but really enjoyed this du as it felt really good to get back to it. My run and bike times were pretty much right where I thought they’d be and I raced well. While a few runners were well ahead of me on the first leg, including teammate Danny, my strategy turned to gaining as much time on the bike over the runners before going into the final run. I was able to put several minutes ahead of many of them and finished 2nd overall, which turned out to be great knowing Danny finished 1st. It was a great day for WSI and as always, the event was one of the best around thanks to Cereal City Athletics and all the great volunteers. Can’t wait for new year!
It was a great day to Tri! Air was cool. Water was warm. Sun came out. Humidity was low. Friends all around. The Cereal City Triathlon is like family every year. It’s our hometown event and Cereal City Athletics always puts on a great event. The course was well marked and the volunteers were rock stars encouraging and keeping us safe along the way. I was fortunate to coach newer triathletes, with WSI member Katie Bridges and Laurie Oleska, as part of the Cereal City Triathlon Training program this year. I love the out and back of the bike and run in this event because triathletes are always so encouraging of each other. Because of my Mom’s Run This Town (MRTT), Cereal City Athletics Adventure Club and WSI connections it felt like I knew everyone on the course with added to the enjoyment of the event. My swim felt like a struggle but I made it out of the water and to the bike where I was able to set my sights on the riders in front of me and pick a couple off along the way. As part of the Cereal City Athletics Triathlon Training I was able to hear Rob Lillie (Lillie Inspired) discuss the transition from bike to run and give us some tips for easing the process. As I left transition for the run I employed one of his tips and had one of my best runs in a long time – even after a swim and a bike! I felt good coming into the finish and was pleased to end up with a 3rd place age group podium finish. It was like icing on the cake
This weekend I finished my 4th Ore 2 Shore. I traveled to the Superior state with Bill, AKA Skittles, AKA Star Boy, AKA the head wrench at the Trek Store of Battle Creek. He taught me some valuable #VanLife lessons from Galesburg to Marquette. We are not talking about the romanticized conversions of vintage volkswagon Van Life. We are talking about mid 2000s, heated synthetic leather seat with automatic doors #vanlife.
We comfortable crossed the bridge into a rain soaked and cloudy better than everyone upper peninsula. The rain continued during our voyage and made for unique race day trail conditions.
The 48 mile point to point race was a mix of sand, dust and knee deep mud “puddles.” I watched one brave soul completely submerge his bike and body in a murky “puddle” and radically accepted that I would shoulder the bike moving forward.
I kept things full throttle and my bike was tolerant of the conditions. With ten miles to go I lost my number plate and came through the line around 3 hours and 29 minutes. I rounded up to three hours and thirty minutes with the race officials and called it good.
It was not the result I had hoped for but I am very happy with the effort.
Next up for the Traveling Circus is chasing Michigan Gravel Series Points September 10 and Competing in the Fort Custer Xterra September 30.
When there’s a race in your own backyard, you can’t pass up the opportunity to be involved in something local, and unique. The Battle Creek Half Marathon and 5k, in its 2nd year of existence, offers runners a fun course complete with planes, runways, and great lake views. The WSI team tackled the event from all fronts; from race directing, to providing bike lead out, to racing on two legs instead of two wheels.
Danny ran the half marathon for the second year in a row. To him, it is one of the best organized events he has done. Great course, volunteers and all around organization. Once again he joined the 7:30 pace group with a goal of finishing with them. Last year he elected to drop off around the 10-11 mile mark to save the legs a bit. With a few more long runs in the weeks leading up to it, he thought he would make it. But around 10 miles the legs and hips tightened up so he elected to back off and finish well. Overall he finished second in his age group and 22nd overall. Not too shabby at all!
Matt elected for the 5k as he had to scoot off to work shortly after. At least he could squeeze it in. He loves the well organized events put on by Cereal City Athletics. The course was well marked and volunteers were everywhere. The beautiful, cool morning helped as well. Matt chose this event to support WSI sponsors, the local community and St. Jude Children’s Research through Charity Miles. With a goal of finishing under 27, he blew it out of the water with a finish time of 24:32. Way to rack it, Matt.
Josh decided to run the 5k as well and wasn’t quite sure how great his performance would be given last year was pretty much a loss due to an early season knee injury. It’s been a tough year getting back to it but his runs are improving and his cycling base is coming back. His goal was to run the 5k in around 25min and he finished in 24:37. That was a nice way to get back to racing and he plans to run a couple more 5ks this year, compete in the Cereal City Du coming up in a couple weeks as well as some fall races to complete his 2017 season.
Charles ran the half marathon as well. Not his best, but he finished. Who can blame him for being exhausted before the race even started from a 4:30 set up start to unloading a 30 foot trailer all before the race start at 7 am?
As for me, Nikki, I was behind the scenes, putting out fires, making sure aid stations were set up, taping all the turns, and so forth. The hours upon hours of emails, coordinating with local businesses and PD, answering questions and so forth were all made worth it when I got to take a short break and watch runners cross the finish line! (And I promise, I did not threaten my teammates in any way to say such nice things about the event!)