A Race Report from Charles

Muskoka, Canada is a region in Canada that is referred to as triathlon country. It is filled with lakes, “rolling” hills, small towns, scenic rides and is understandably, an athletes little heaven. It is also said to be one of the toughest terrains for athletes. One tourism magazine was quoted as saying “Anyone who completes a triathlon in Muskoka earns major bragging rights.” The Ironman 70.3 Muskoka was, to date, the toughest challenge that I have faced (even compared to the Lumberjack 100)!
Pre-race, I had my finish time in mind. Although, I knew with this being my first 70.3
that you never know what to actually expect. The event took place at a local resort. The swim was uneventful and my time was just as I had anticipated. The almost 1/4 hike through the golf course up to transition was an interesting experience.
Hopping onto the bike I was hopeful. I was also already anticipating the climbs that the course would undoubtedly provide. Just drivingariund the area the previous day proved this bike would be no easy feat. These are not the hill climbs you see in Michigan, and definitely not the hill climbs I had been training on! Surprisingly, I finished the bike almost right on my target goal, averaging 17.5 mph (which was somewhat surprising considering the number of times I was under 5 mph just trying to reach the top of a hill).
By the time I dismounted and headed out for the run, my legs were done, and I knew it! I had given all my effort to keep my pace on the bike that there wasn’t a lot left to give. Needless to say, my run suffered. My pace was much slower than anticipated. The hills were still there too, and my now it was midday, no shade, and the heat was quickly rising! Being in Canada, all the distances were in metric as well. In addition to my exhaustion, I had to play mental math games trying to figure out what mile of my 13.1 I was at.
In the end, I finished. I was a bout an hour off of my goal time, but I finished. My family was there to see me at every leg of the course, which really helped as a pick me up. I
finished an Ironman 70.3 on one of the toughest terrains the event offers! I am already anticipating my next one as a redemption, and on a course with a little less elevation climbs!

The days following were filled with a fun, relaxing vacation with the family sight seeing, kayaking, spotting bear and moose, and just enjoying the wilderness that Muskoka has to offer.