The 5k began at 9:00 am allowing runners to participate in both events if they chose. Again at the front of the pack were the WSI riders. This time Matt Wright, Keith Wilkinson and his daughter were stepping up to the start line. Matt finished 4th in his age group with an impressive 5k time of 24:23.

Our riders do so much more than lead out the races. They help manage high traffic areas, and provide support for all runners whether they are at the front or back of the pack. It is always encouraging to know people are rooting for you at every corner!

While many were in Marshall, Paddi and Andy were taking on an adventure of their own at the Jonesville Canoe Triathlon. For those of you familiar with triathlons, you know the swim is always first. In this event, the water component was last, and canoeists had to wait for both team mates to complete the other two legs of the event before hitting the water. Going into the canoe leg Paddi and Andy were in 6th place. Their awesome paddling skills ended up landing them 2nd place overall by the time they had rached the finish.
Keep your eyes on the roads for more WSI sightings all spring and summer long!