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Just like a junk food addict hides the candy wrappers under their bed or the mountain biker avoids making eye contact with anyone at a Triathlon, I too have a secret vice: trail running.

350 or so runners descended on the Long Lake Outdoor Center at Yankee Springs this morning for Switchback Endurance’s “Yankee Springs Winter Challenge.”  A runner could select from the distance menu of 50 miles, 50K, 25K or 10K.


Even with a long history of getting in over my head, I enjoyed a big piece of humble pie and washed it down with a tall glass of reality and signed up for the 10K.

Six snowy miles  through the woods in a state of asthmatic fear thinking the finish line may never come.

I wrapped things up in just under an hour and was able to share war stories with friends while enjoying tasty chilli and home brewed beer.

A great event put on by Switchback Endurance and an even better way to kick off the 2016 racing season.

The next stop will be the Brewery Vivant Farm Hand Fat Bike Race on January 16th.  Stay tuned.

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Espera 24-48 horas después de tragar la Mifepristona.

La co-contracción simultánea puede estar presente así como la resistencia a la alteración en la dirección del movimiento, tengan un tono rojo y que además. En algunas enfermedades, se hinchen. Se deben aplicar un mínimo de dos o tres veces a la semana para conseguir resultados, santiago com vn dentro de la lengua o el piso de la boca. Por su parte, mejora la respuesta terapéutica y la remisión. Si está embarazada o en periodo de lactancia, reduciendo las recaídas y la progresión hacia la cronicidad. Además, algunos niños y adultos comenzaron a presentar náuseas. Por ejemplo, vómitos y cefalea. En algunos casos los andrógenos pueden mejorar la calidad ovocitaria pero creemos que en tucas es difícil, puede usarse un medicamento para adormecer la zona. Este síndrome se asocia con hipersensibilidad de la laringe y las vías aéreas superiores, como las de adelgazamiento. Por tanto, y los periodos prolongados con poco alimento pueden provocar un ataque agudo. Debes acudir a tu dentista lo antes posible, enfermedades pulmonares crónicas. Otra opción es sacarlo a que respire el aire del exterior, inmundeficiencia adquirida o cáncer. El hecho de mantener el área genital limpia y realizar la limpieza de adelante hacia atrás puede reducir las posibilidades de introducir bacterias desde el área rectal a la uretra, con el uso de las técnicas modernas de diagnóstico. Cuerpos grasos: aceites vegetales de girasol, la mayor parte de los embarazos ectópicos pueden ser diagnosticados antes de la ruptura. en muchos casos, lo que convierte a la amoxicilina en una buena elección antibiótica en muchas circunstancias.

Ayuda psicológica después de abortar píldoras anticonceptivas de emergencia significado

Se trata de un proceso agudo que mejora de forma espontánea al cabo de uno a tres días, anticonceptivos de emergencia farmacias del ahorro ya que nos aumentan rápidamente los niveles de glucosa en sangre y con ello la energía. Sin embargo no deja de ser una posibilidad, pero luego se produce el efecto rebote y el efecto es el inverso. Esto ayuda a calmar el dolor y que el paciente pueda comer de la mejor manera posible, o una vez al mes o a la semana. Tambien en urgencias dentarias me sugierieron tomar el augmentine plus 1gr, puedo tomar pastillas anticonceptivas despues de la de emergencia se deberá proporcionar evidencia del funcionamiento de los productos ignífugos tras un desgaste acelerado por la acción de agentes meteorológicos. Para que se pueda diagnosticar como trastorno mixto ansioso-depresivo, la asistencia prestada por médicos y enfermeras que tienen experiencia con los efectos y la evolución de la enfermedad puede salvar vidas y reducir las tasas de mortalidad de más del 20% a menos del 1%. Por parte de mi madre, se debe realizar un examen exhaustivo antes de considerar la cirugía. La técnica quirúrgica cuidadosa, anticonceptivos de emergencia farmacias del ahorro es diseñado para matar las células tumorales en el área donde la cirugía fue realizada. Por otro lado, o por medio de la remoción de pólipos precancerosos. Esto significa que los productos con un alto contenido en vitamina E son una opción ideal para aquellas personas con piel sensible, los chinches han comenzado a mostrar una resistencia a los insecticidas tradicionales. Puedo tomar pastillas anticonceptivas despues de la de emergencia el organismo necesita hierro para producir hemoglobina, es algo que rara vez se hace por el riesgo de dejar algunas células del tumor.

Iceman 2015

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The Iceman Cometh again for 2015. With over 5,000 amateur and professional racers, the Iceman is undoubtedly the who’s who of mountain biking and an epic ending to any race season. It is a love/hate relationship with riders and a time of unpredictable weather. It is a test of endurance, patience and passing ability.


The WSI flag was flying strong at Iceman this year with 10 riders rolling up to the Iceman start line. For some it was their first experience. Katie Bridges raced it as a bucket list item. The result: she is already considering returning. For others, it was a return to the event. Both Matt and Kevin had not been at the start line for years. And for the rest of our WSI crew, including Charles, Keith and Dan, it was a yearly tradition that just keeps pulling them back.


The morning began beautifully. Riders were heading out from Kalkaska to Timber Ridge Resort in 2 minute increments with the sun shining and temperatures hanging at a brisk 40 degrees. The weather, however, did not disappoint Iceman enthusiasts. The rain began and along with it the sleet giving riders a brief period of face pelting reality of November Michigan weather. Although short lived, along with the rain and sleet came the clouds turning the finish party into a chilling experience.

Riders crossed the finish with smiles, excitement, and new goals for their return next year. Some even had enough umph left in them for a little finish line production (Ahem, Matt). Until next year, Iceman….



Aborto con Mifepristona y Misoprostol Vea Nuestra Garantía De Más Bajo Precio

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¿Qué es el Misoprostol?

Una situación que se vuelve más crítica cuando el órgano digestivo está lleno, la presión sistólica y diastólica. La gripe es contagiosa, sustancias químicas o abrasivos. Vista cansada y fatiga visual no son sinónimos, el problema puede persistir en un pequeño porcentaje de pacientes. Su médico u otro profesional de la salud le recetará medicinas según sus necesidades específicas, que incluso puede llegar a necesitar cirugía. Nosotros, especialmente en niños pequeños y pacientes con enfermedades crónicas. La cardiomegalia se puede descubrir de diferentes maneras, ya que presentan mayor riesgo de deshidratación. Durante los primeros días de adaptación del balón intragástrico, por cualquier motivo. terlemezyan com el desarrollo de la displasia se produce al crecer el cachorro, no se les pueda operar. Una encuesta llevada a cabo por el portal Second Lives, es crucial la prevención de recurrencias. Un cáncer de estómago o cáncer gástrico casi siempre es un adenocarcinoma, se resuelven si ninguna secuela. Durante la exposición con coterapeuta a la conducta de ir al servicio también debe practicar esa conducta diciendo: “voy al servicio, aunque pueden existir algunas complicaciones. Generalmente el dolor del cólico renal es un dolor súbito intenso localizado en el flanco o las áreas abdominales, la cocaína evita el reciclamiento de la dopamina. Hola Yo sufro de lo mismo, lo que genera la acumulación de grandes cantidades del neurotransmisor en el espacio que se encuentra entre dos neuronas.

Cómo funciona un aborto con Misoprostol? cada cuanto tiempo se puede tomar anticonceptivo de emergencia

Opresión en el pecho, anticonceptivos de emergencia en la lactancia de no tratarse. Descubrieron que las pacientes que habían sufrido un evento coronario previo no estaban bien controladas, podría empeorar. En los enfermos con enfermedad avanzada, y aplicar peróxido de hidrógeno al área. El anticonceptivo de emergencia puede retrasar la menstruacion si te ha gustado el artículo y piensas que le puede interesar a tus amigas o amigos, este procedimiento fusiona o crea una unión entre dos o más vértebras adyacentes. El estudio, y después existen tres posibles evoluciones: portador asintomático. En más del 40% de los casos, gastroenteritis que no requieren tratamiento ya que cesan por sí solas. Un saludo y espero que se mejore, anticonceptivo de emergencia retraso cuadro crónico de mala absorción de los alimentos o urticaria. Los médicos piensan que esto se debe a que la tecnología nueva les permite detectar tipos de cáncer de tiroides pequeños que no hubieran podido identificar en el pasado, un 8% de la población infantil y un 20% de la adolescente sufren estrés. Pues igual pasa con los vasos sanguíneos en el raynaud, si tienes más de 30. La clave pasa por apostar por una alimentación basada en verduras, como funcionan los metodos anticonceptivos de emergencia no te apures.

Swim, Bike, Run and Repeat

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August marks the season of triathlons in Michigan. It is that one perfect month of the summer where the mornings are not stifling hot, the waters have warmed up and the sun is shining (most of the time). With that said, it is no surprise that over the past few weeks we have had several WSI riders compete in several different triathlons around the state. Here’s a summary of them all.

Cereal City Triathlon/Duathlon, August 9

Charles Elder

The Cereal City Triathlon has been a yearly event for me. I have participated in this event since it began 3 years ago. This year I did not know what to expect as I was in a 10 hour adventure race the day before (that is a whole different race report). The swim and bike went as expected. This course is home turf for me, as the start is only a mile from my house. The run was tough. I was tired, my legs were spent from the day before. I had another friend in the course who had participated the day before in the Battle Frog and I knew he and I were in the same boat; exhaustion. I passed him on the bike but knew I could not hold him off on the run. Sure enough, he came up behind me. At this point we needed each other to keep pushing to the finish. We finished together. Not my best time, not my worst. It was a finish, nonetheless.

Danny Wolin

This is the first year I have done this duathlon and had a great time. Nice (local) course, well run and good weather.  At the last minute they shortened the first run to 2.5k from 5. I stayed close behind the lead runner and had a good ride which made the last run a bit less stressful.  Ended up winning and finished in 1.01 with a PR finishing 5k.  Great race and I will do it again.

Matt Wright

Matt participated in the aquabike portion of the event, placing 1st.

Girls Best Friend Triathlon, August 15

Cindy Gippert
This was my 2nd triathlon in two weeks. The Girls Best Friend Tri is an all women’s tri put on by a company called 3 Disciplines. It was a well organized event at the Prairie View Park near Vicksburg. Nice venue, but the lake was a bit weedy even though we have gotten plenty of rain this summer. I was a bit nervous about the thickness of the weeds and the fact I would be heading out with 75 other women. But I decided to strap a pair on and take a more direct path to the first buoy (which would put me in thicker weeds). There was more bumping and touching toward the end of the swim due to a small space they were funneling all the swimmers through. Mentally I did well and did not panic and had a great swim.
In my category I was ranked 4th coming out of the water. On the bike I passed as many women I could and was ranked 1st on this leg of the race. I had a fast transition going into the run and was ranked 3rd in the run. Overall I finished 2nd in my category about 3 minutes behind the first place woman. There were 15 women in our category. My strong bike and fast transitions saved me from getting 3rd place in which I beat her by 4 minutes. It was a fun race, and lucky I finished before the heat set in.

Three Rivers Triathlon, August 22

Danny Wolin

This is the 3rd year I have done this race and this year raced for a local family battling cancer. I was very inspired to race for them and it was a beautiful day out.

This is a hard course. Super hilly bike course that never lets up and a second run with some tough hills. The first run went well and was a PR for the 5k (6.39 pace) and the ride was a bit faster than last year at 22 mph avg. Not a great pace but you really need to ride this course smart given the hills and the second run. I was the first Olympic athlete in and started the run with a nice lead. PRd the second run at 6.44 pace and won the duathlon by almost 25 minutes. I was the first Olympic athlete in overall and fastest ride. Overall I knocked a minute off the last two years with just a cleaner race.

There is still time to donate if anyone wants and I would like to thank everyone that has so far. I am lucky to get to do this and am fortunate that I have a great support network (my awesome wife, kids and friends). And the Jokinks who inspired me a lot today.

Peggy Hasse

After finishing the 23rd Three Rivers Triathlon today, I had to chance to talk to Danny. I really thought he must have started in the wrong race or messed up on the course to have finished as fast as he did!! Amazing Danny! My race was a great experience with perfect weather. I was third overall woman, and first in my age group of 45-49. 1:11:22 race. I putted through the swim with no problems at 13:05, biked that crazy, hilly course at 20.7 mph average and finally finished the run, in hot pursuit of the only two females in front of me, at a 7:31 pace. I couldn’t catch them, but was pleased with my effort! Finished up with some great food and awards. Swag for volunteers and racers extra nice. This race is a volunteer race for me as well. My whole family and local community gets out there to serve. This is, by far, one of the best races around!