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Zolpidem sleeping tablets for sale at a Walgreen's store in North Miami. (Photo: Alan Diaz, AP) Story Highlights "We do not condone the use of these illegal and potentially harmful products," the company says The drug has been linked to a surge in violence Colombia. Walgreen's says it does not recommend its use because it is an illegal drug Walgreen's says it will stop selling anti-anxiety drugs that have sparked recent outbreaks of violence, including a gang shootout last week that claimed more than 50 lives in central Colombia. The drug, alprazolam, is an older anti-anxiety medication made by the manufacturer, International Prescription Solutions, formerly Psychiatry, which is based in Fort Worth and has since merged with Alprazolam Corporation for an all-stock company called Alpraz. The drug is sold in more than 20,000 pharmacies across the country, including Walgreen's, according to the DEA, and is used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. According to the DEA, alprazolam has been linked to a surge in violence Colombia. More than 40 people, including the son of a Colombian congressman, have been killed over the last generic pharmacy delivery two weeks, according to Colombian medical records cited by Reuters. That's according to data provided by the Colombian government for last week. A Walgreen's spokeswoman said the Alprazolam 2mg online pharmacy pharmacy chain did not condone the use of drug. She did not answer calls to the drug's maker International Prescription Solutions. Walgreen's has a $1.3 billion purchase agreement to acquire International Prescription Solutions next month. The drug chain also has a $1.8 billion contract with International Prescription Solutions for distribution of alprazolam and other drugs. "The use of alprazolam should be discouraged because it has serious side effects that Köpa xanax online can lead to withdrawal symptoms, which can be potentially fatal," the Walgreen's spokeswoman said. She did not elaborate. The company is not first pharmacy chain to remove alprazolam from its shelves. In April, Walgreen's stopped selling the product following a surge in sales that prompted fears it'd be found on store shelves, according to NBC News. In August, a Los Angeles pharmacy chain, CVS Health, decided to suspend sales of the drug. In October, Walgreen's stopped offering the drug to pharmacy customers nationwide in its stores, the company reported in September. Walgreen's decision comes about two weeks after the company's competitors, including Rite Aid, CVS, Target, Walgreens and Wal-Mart, pulled Walgreens' version of alprazolam from its shelves. The drug still is available at several other local pharmacies — including Walgreens. Follow USA TODAY reporter Nathan Bomey on Twitter @NathanBomey. Read or Share this story: http://usat.
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